Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Radar

Huh . . . so much has been going on the last few months it hasn't even registered on my radar that Sumana has surgery coming up. April 18th is not that far away. I guess it's a really good thing that I've practically forgotten about it. That shows that Sumana is doing well and I'm not anxiously awaiting a needed surgery. This one is definitely needed, but I guess I don't see the physical signs in Sumana that make me wish a surgery date would hurry up and get here.

Sumana has been very healthy this winter season. I think she's had two colds, but got over both with relative ease. (I was recounting to someone at church today about how she used to catch every little cough that went around and it would immediately turn to pneumonia). She has been busy with AWANA, birthday parties for friends, an AWANA girls' overnight, etc., etc. It is such a relief to be able to let her go to these events and not worry about her catching something.

This next surgery will replace both VEPTR rods. After the last surgery, Dr. Sanders told us that she has outgrown both rods. Sumana has her pre-op March 23 and we're hoping to go on vacation the 24th (to my parents' in NC). Then it'll be just a hop, skip and a jump and she'll be up for surgery. It'll be nice to get this one out of the way before summer.


  1. Oh Cheryl, can't believe surgery day is coming up so fast. Actually, we could be there for scans that day too. I know it will be sometime that week. I hope you have a great visit with your parents xoxxo

  2. :) So cool to have life getting more "normal" for her! She sure is growing up!
